Supported platforms: CODESYS 3.5 SAFETY
This program is a single-block solution for SC52 unit diagnostics.
Library version and olderLibrary version and older
The program diagnoses:
5 V reference voltage high and low situations
Unit supply voltage high and low situations
AD converter supply voltage (5VAN) high and low situations
Output group control errors
Microcontroller unit (MCU) and system basis chip (SBC) temperature high and low situations
Negative 5 V bias voltage low (0V) situations
The program also:
Library version and newerLibrary version and newer
The program diagnoses:
5 V reference voltage high and low situations
Unit supply voltage high and low situations
AD converter supply voltage (5VAN) high and low situations
Output group control errors
Microcontroller unit (MCU) temperature high and low situations
Negative 5 V bias voltage low (0V) situations
The program also:
Provides system basis chip (SBC) temperature to application without diagnostics
This program is SC52 specific. Do not use it with any other hardware. |
This method is used to initialize the necessary static calculation parameters for the program. The method shall be called at least once before the actual program can be called, i.e. at the application initialization phase.
In case of an initialization error, the diagnostic is not run.
The initialization method has no return value. |
Parameter |
Data type |
Unit |
Range |
Description |
S_i_SupplyVoltageHighLimit |
mV |
> 0 |
High limit of supply voltage value. |
S_i_SupplyVoltageLowLimit |
mV |
>= 0 |
Low limit of supply voltage value. |
S_i_SupplyVoltageDiagDelay |
ms |
0 - 100 |
Diagnostic delay for supply voltage diagnostic. |
S_i_5VRefControlTolerance |
per mil |
0 - 1000 |
Control tolerance for 5V reference control diagnostic. |
S_i_5VRefControlDiagDelay |
ms |
0 - 100 |
Diagnostic delay for 5V reference voltage diagnostic. |
S_i_OutputGroup1HighVoltage |
mV |
- |
High voltage limit for output group 1. |
S_i_OutputGroup1LowVoltage |
mV |
- |
Low voltage limit for output group 1. |
S_i_OutputGroup1DiagDelay |
ms |
0 - 100 |
Diagnostic delay for output group 1. |
S_i_5VANHighVoltage |
mV |
- |
High voltage limit for AD converter supply voltage. |
S_i_5VANLowVoltage |
mV |
- |
Low voltage limit for AD converter supply voltage. |
S_i_5VANDiagDelay |
ms |
0 - 100 |
Diagnostic delay for AD converter supply voltage. |
S_i_HighTemperatureLimit |
°C |
- |
Limit for high temperature diagnosis. |
S_i_LowTemperatureLimit |
°C |
- |
Limit for low temperature diagnosis. |
S_i_TemperatureDiagDelay |
ms |
0 - 10000 |
Diagnostic delay temperature diagnostic. |
The running state, which enables library diagnostics, is set TRUE in the following conditions:
The program reads diagnostic task status from firmware.
The following states are considered as OK when diagnostic is running:
External 5 V reference voltage which can be controlled by application
Two redundant measurement channels
The program uses S_RefControlAndDiagnostics (FB) for diagnostic
The program controls REF5V output by using SafeSSeriesIoDriverExt library's SystemControl5Vref
Measured AD value is converted to voltage with S_ADCToVoltageOrCurrent (FB)
The voltage is diagnosed to be between given limits
Internal 5V reference voltage which is always on
Two redundant measurement channels
Measured AD values are converted to voltages with S_ADCToVoltageOrCurrent (FB)
The voltages are diagnosed to be between given limits
The voltages are diagnosed to be within given tolerance with S_ValidateAI (FB)
Output group can be controlled on only once by application
Two redundant measurement channels
The program uses S_OutputGroupControlAndDiagnostics (FB) for diagnostic
The program controls output group by using SafeSSeriesIoDriverExt library's PowerSwitchSet.
If the firmware diagnostic task status is not considered OK, the output group control status is set FALSE
Internal -5V bias voltage which is always on
One measurement channel
Negative low voltage is diagnosed with fixed -4,5V. The error is indicated with o_Negative5VStatus.OutputLow
The program has 2 kinds of temperature handling functionality.
MCU and SBC temperatures are already in °C.
In library version and newer: MCU temperature is validated against defined limit. SBC temperature is provided to application without diagnostics.
In library version and older: MCU and SBC temperatures are validated against defined limit.
Two diverse measurement channels
Measured AD values are converted to voltages with S_ADCToVoltageOrCurrent (FB)
Voltages are converted to resistance with S_VoltageToResistance (FB)
Resistances are converted to °C with S_KTYSensor (FUN)
The PCB temperatures have no diagnostics
Input variable name |
Data type |
Unit |
Description |
i_Reset |
- |
Reset flag disables diagnostic blocks' operation. Error statuses are cleared after falling edge of reset input. |
i_RefVoltageControl |
- |
Control output for 5V reference. Diagnostic must be in running state before 5V reference can be controlled on. |
i_5VRefChannel1 |
- |
Filtered ADC value of voltage measurement for 5V reference output, channel 1. |
i_5VRefChannel2 |
- |
Filtered ADC value of voltage measurement for 5V reference output, channel 2. |
i_SupplyVoltageInPin |
- |
Filtered ADC value of voltage measurement for supply voltage input. |
i_OutputGroup1Control |
- |
Status to control safety switch. |
i_SupplyBeforeSafetySwitch1 |
- |
Filtered ADC value of voltage measurement before safety switch. |
i_SupplyAfterSafetySwitch1 |
- |
Filtered ADC value of voltage measurement after safety switch. |
i_5VANChannel1 |
- |
Filtered ADC value of voltage measurement for channel 1 of 5VAN. |
i_5VANChannel2 |
- |
Filtered ADC value of voltage measurement for channel 2 of 5VAN. |
i_MCUTemperature |
0,1 °C |
FW provided °C value for MCU temperature. |
i_SBCTemperature |
0,1 °C |
FW provided °C value for SBC temperature. |
i_PCBTemperatureChannel1 |
- |
Filtered ADC value of voltage measurement for PCB temperature channel 1. |
i_PCBTemperatureChannel2 |
- |
Filtered ADC value of voltage measurement for PCB temperature channel 2. |
i_Negative5V |
- |
Filtered ADC value of internal -5V bias voltage measurement. |
Output variable name |
Data type |
Unit |
Description |
S_o_InitReady |
- |
Initialization ready. |
o_InitError |
- |
Initialization error. |
S_o_Running |
- |
Diagnostics initialized OK and running. Waits for FW diagnostics to initialize first. |
S_o_DiagStatusOk |
- |
Diagnostic POU combined status. |
o_RefControlStatus |
Status |
- |
5V reference voltage output control status. See Status structure. |
o_RefControl_EC |
EPEC_DITF.EventCode |
- |
5V reference voltage output control event code. |
S_o_RefControl |
- |
Control status for 5V reference voltage output. |
S_o_RefVoltage |
mV |
Scaled and validated 5V reference voltage output. |
o_OutputGroup1ControlStatus |
Status |
- |
Output group 1 voltage control status. See Status structure. |
o_OutputGroup1Control_EC |
EPEC_DITF.EventCode |
- |
Output group 1 voltage control event code. |
S_o_OutputGroup1ControlVoltage |
mV |
Scaled and validated output group 1 voltage. |
S_o_OutputGroup1Control |
- |
Output group 1 control status. |
o_SupplyVoltageStatus |
EPEC_SC.Status |
- |
Supply voltage measurement status. |
o_SupplyVoltage_EC |
EPEC_DITF.EventCode |
- |
Supply voltage measurement event code. |
S_o_SupplyVoltage |
mV |
Scaled and validated supply voltage. |
o_5VANToVoltageCh1Status |
EPEC_SC.Status |
- |
5VAN voltage measurement channel 1 status. |
o_5VANToVoltageCh2Status |
EPEC_SC.Status |
- |
5VAN voltage measurement channel 2 status. |
o_5VANStatus |
EPEC_SDV.Status |
- |
5VAN voltage validation status. |
o_5VAN_EC |
EPEC_DITF.EventCode |
- |
5VAN voltage measurement event code. |
S_o_5VANVoltage |
mV |
Scaled and validated 5VAN voltage. |
o_MCUTemperatureStatus |
Status |
- |
MCU temperature measurement status. See Status structure. |
o_MCUTemperatureEC |
EPEC_DITF.EventCode |
- |
MCU temperature measurement event code. |
S_o_MCUTemperature |
0,1°C |
Scaled and validated MCU temperature. |
o_SBCTemperatureStatus |
Status |
- |
SBC temperature measurement status. See Status structure. |
o_SBCTemperatureEC |
EPEC_DITF.EventCode |
- |
SBC temperature event code. |
S_o_SBCTemperature |
0,1°C |
Scaled SBC temperature. |
S_o_PCBTemperatureChannel1 |
°C |
PCB temperature channel 1. |
S_o_PCBTemperatureChannel2 |
°C |
PCB temperature channel 2. |
o_PCBTemperatureCh1Status |
EPEC_SC.Status |
- |
PCB temperature channel 1 status. |
o_PCBTemperatureCh2Status |
EPEC_SC.Status |
- |
PCB temperature channel 2 status. |
o_PCBTemperatureCh1_EC |
EPEC_DITF.EventCode |
- |
PCB temperature channel 1 event code. |
o_PCBTemperatureCh2_EC |
EPEC_DITF.EventCode |
- |
PCB temperature channel 2 event code. |
o_Negative5VStatus |
Status |
- |
-5V bias voltage measurement status. See Status structure. |
S_o_FWDiagnosticTaskStatus |
- |
Firmware diagnostic status. See SafeSSeriesIoDrvExt library’s Data Types. |
The program is included in MultiTool Creator code template. |
S_ValidateAI (FB)
S_KTYSensor (FUN)
SafeSSeriesIoDriverExt library
Source file topic100540.htm
Last updated 21-Feb-2025