Supported platforms: CODESYS 3.5, CODESYS 3.5 SAFETY


How to use S Series and E Series HW diagnostics

This section describes how to use hardware diagnostics in S Series / E Series Control Units.

It also describes how to control an output group and reference voltage output by an application.


The architecture of the HW diagnostic depends on used safety library versions:


Hardware diagnostics have an output S_o_DiagStatusOk which indicates that all monitored safety diagnostics are OK. See control unit specific diagnostic program's manual for more information on diagnostic conditions.


The hardware specific diagnostic program is executed in MultiTool Creator code template.



Control unit specific hardware diagnostic errors are also added to application log when MultiTool Creator code template is used (MT 6.4 / SDK3.6 or later).

See also How to use application error log.


Instructions for products using Epec Safety Libraries SP10 versions (V1.X)


Output group control and reference voltage control are activated by writing the following diagnostic program inputs.


The default state of the output group and reference voltage output controls are OFF.

Control conditions are application specific.


S_o_DiagStatusOk status affects MultiTool Creator code template's status G_StatusFlags_Safe.S_SafeOperationEnable


The application shall use S_SafeOperationEnable as a condition for safety related controls.


Output group control can only be activated once.

After output group deactivation, reboot is required for output group re-activation.


Output group control is automatically deactivated if a firmware error or output group validation error is detected.


Following control inputs are not set in code template.


The following is an example of output group and reference voltage control


The current state of controls can be read by the application from the following variables:


The application can also access all other output variables from the diagnostic program such as measured voltages and

status variables for each measurement.


SL84 product does not have output group control.

Output group voltages are supplied externally.

Supply group 1 voltage is monitored by library and affects S_o_DiagStatusOk.

Supply group 2 & 3 voltages are measured but not diagnosed by library.

See also S_SL84_Diagnostic (PRG)


The default state of the reference voltage output control is OFF.

S_o_DiagStatusOk status affects MultiTool Creator code template's status G_StatusFlags_Safe.S_SafeOperationEnable


The application shall use S_SafeOperationEnable as a condition for safety related controls.


The code template includes status flags for monitoring each output group's voltage in G_StatusFlags_Safe global variable list. E.g. G_StatusFlags_Safe.S_OutputGroup2VoltageOK.


Status flag is TRUE when corresponding output group voltage is within low/high limits. Status flags are also reset to FALSE when S_SafeOperationEnable is FALSE. Status flags do not have delay.


These status flags should be used by application as a condition when controlling outputs in addition to S_SafeOperationEnable. Otherwise the output diagnostic blocks will trigger error if output is controlled ON when output group voltage is not supplied.


Control conditions are application specific.


The following control inputs are not set in the code template.


The following is an example of reference voltage control




EPEC_SHWD.S_SL84_Diagnostic.i_RefVoltageControl := G_StatusFlags_Safe.S_SafeOperationEnable;


The current state of control can be read by the application from the following variable:


The application can also access all other output variables from the diagnostic program such as measured voltages and status variables for each measurement.



Output group control and reference voltage control are activated by writing the following diagnostic program inputs.

The default state of the output group and reference voltage output controls are OFF.


Control conditions are application specific.


S_o_DiagStatusOk status affects MultiTool Creator code template's status G_StatusFlags.SystemOk.


Output group control is automatically deactivated if a firmware error or output group validation error is detected.


Following control inputs are not set in code template.


The following is an example of output group and reference voltage control



IF G_StatusFlags.SystemOk THEN

    EPEC_SHWD.S_EC44_Diagnostic.i_OutputGroup1Control := TRUE;

    EPEC_SHWD.S_EC44_Diagnostic.i_RefVoltageControl := TRUE;


    EPEC_SHWD.S_EC44_Diagnostic.i_OutputGroup1Control := FALSE;

    EPEC_SHWD.S_EC44_Diagnostic.i_RefVoltageControl := FALSE;




The current state of controls can be read by the application from the following variables:


The application can also access all other output variables from the diagnostic program such as measured voltages and status variables for each measurement.


Instructions for products using Epec Safety Libraries SP19 versions (V2.X)



MultiTool Creator code template uses S_SL8X1_Diagnostic (PRG) for SL8X1 unit's HW diagnostics.

See the PRG's manual for description on diagnostics and functionalities that are implemented by library.


This guide gives application examples on controls that are required to be performed by the application and also information on status indications that are provided for application controls.


Code template


S_o_DiagStatusOk affects MultiTool Creator code template's status G_StatusFlags_Safe.S_SafeOperationEnable

S_SafeOperationEnable is set FALSE if diagnostic error is detected in a functionalities which affect the S_o_DiagStatusOk. The application shall use S_SafeOperationEnable as a condition for safety related controls.


When code template is generated by MultiTool Creator, the S_Main PRG contains example on application controls for the HW diagnostic inputs.


Safety switch startup test


Safety switch startup test is triggered by application. This allows the application to delay the startup test execution, if necessary.

Delaying the startup test can be required in system condition where the supply voltage fluctuates after system bootup.


The startup test will perform tests for the safety switch and also check for external voltages in outputs. See product's safety manual for more information. 


If application wants to avoid FW error during startup test due to the output's external voltage, the application can diagnose the outputs before triggering the startup test. See How to control DO & DO ECO for information on how to diagnose the output with DOS status.


 Startup test is started by setting following input TRUE:


EPEC_HWDIAG.S_SL8X1_Diagnostic.i_SwitchStartupTestEnable := TRUE;


Output group control


The default state of the output group control is OFF. Control conditions are application specific.


Output group control can only be activated once.

After output group deactivation, reboot is required for output group re-activation.


Output group control is automatically deactivated in following conditions:

  • if a firmware error is detected

  • if output group validation error is detected

  • if PCB1 temperature's safe limit is exceeded


After the startup test has been executed and output group is activated, the external voltage diagnostic in output pins is application's responsibility. See How to control DO & DO ECO for information on how to diagnose the outputs with DOS status.


Startup test execution is required before output group can be controlled. The code template's S_SafeOperationEnable status is not TRUE before output group diagnostic is enabled in library.


The output group diagnostic's enable status can also be read from following variable:


The following is an example of output group control


EPEC_HWDIAG.S_SL8X1_Diagnostic.i_OutputGroup1Control := G_StatusFlags_Safe.S_SafeOperationEnable;


The current state of control can be read by the application from the following variable:


Reference output control(s)

HW diagnostic library supports up to two REF outputs (REF A and REF B). Both REF outputs support 5V or 10V REF mode.

The MultiTool Creator's code template initializes automatically the REF output in use and mode parameters based on functional version's HW assembly.

Product REF A REF B


In use: TRUE
Type: REF5V

In use: TRUE
Type: REF10V

The default state of the REF output control is TRUE. Control conditions are application specific.


When REF output's in use is FALSE, the corresponding REF output is not available in product.

Product has REFOUT switch which is secondary shutdown path if hardware fault prevents REF output control request to disable REF voltage.

The HW diagnostic library automatically controls REFOUT switch off if persistent overvoltage error is detected from either of the REF outputs.

Following is example of REFOUT switch control.


EPEC_HWDIAG.S_SL8X1_Diagnostic.i_RefoutSwitchControl := TRUE;

Following is example of REF A and REF B control.


EPEC_HWDIAG.S_SL8X1_Diagnostic.i_RefAVoltageControl := TRUE;
EPEC_HWDIAG.S_SL8X1_Diagnostic.i_RefBVoltageControl := TRUE;

The HW diagnostic library has automatic enable logic for REF output's diagnostic and control based on control unit's supply voltage.

This is done to protect the hardware and to prevent unnecessary errors.

See S_SL8X1_Diagnostic (PRG) for supply voltage limits for REF output diagnostic and control conditions.

If application's REF output control request is TRUE, the library automatically resumes REF control after supply voltage resumes in normal levels.

The state of REF output diagnostic enable can be read by the application from the following variables:

The state of REF output's control can be read by the application from the following variables:

The measured voltage of REF output can be read by the application from the following variables:

If REF output's REF_<X>_Diagnostic_Enable is FALSE (e.g. due to the supply voltage limits), the REF outputs OutputValid flag is FALSE and this is not considered error. The REF output has error only in situation where OutputValid is FALSE AND diagnostic has been enabled.  

The validity of REF output's measurement can be checked by the application from the following variables:

Application output control conditions


The HW diagnostic library has status flags for application to indicate when supply voltage is in range where output controls can be used/activated.

The supply voltage enable flags are found from library output EPEC_HWDIAG.S_SL8X1_Diagnostic.o_SupplyVoltageEnableStates.

These statuses are not affected by the supply voltage's error diagnostics limits.


See S_SL8X1_Diagnostic (PRG) for output control's supply voltage limits. 

For in depth guides on output control and diagnostics see Safety project How to guides.

For example:

Following is an example of how to use HW diagnostic states with output control and diagnostics.







MultiTool Creator code template uses S_SM8X1_Diagnostic (PRG) for SM8X1 unit's HW diagnostics.

See the PRG's manual for description on diagnostics and functionalities that are implemented by library.

This guide gives application examples on controls that are required to be performed by the application and also information on status indications that are provided for application controls.

Code template

S_o_DiagStatusOk affects MultiTool Creator code template's status G_StatusFlags_Safe.S_SafeOperationEnable

S_SafeOperationEnable is set FALSE if diagnostic error is detected in a functionalities which affect the S_o_DiagStatusOk. The application shall use S_SafeOperationEnable as a condition for safety related controls.

When code template is generated by MultiTool Creator, the S_Main PRG contains example on application controls for the HW diagnostic inputs.


Safety switch startup test

Safety switch startup test is triggered by application. This allows the application to delay the startup test execution, if necessary.

Delaying the startup test can be required in system condition where the supply voltage fluctuates after system bootup.

The startup test will perform tests for the safety switch and also check for external voltages in outputs. See product's safety manual for more information. 

If application wants to avoid FW error during startup test due to the output's external voltage, the application can diagnose the outputs before triggering the startup test. See How to control DO & DO ECO for information on how to diagnose the output with DOS status.

 Startup test is started by setting following input TRUE:


EPEC_HWDIAG.S_SM8X1_Diagnostic.i_SwitchStartupTestEnable := TRUE;


Output group control

The default state of the output group control is OFF. Control conditions are application specific.

Output group control can only be activated once.

After output group deactivation, reboot is required for output group re-activation.

Output group control is automatically deactivated in following conditions:

  • if a firmware error is detected

  • if output group validation error is detected

  • if PCB1 temperature's safe limit is exceeded

After the startup test has been executed and output group is activated, the external voltage diagnostic in output pins is application's responsibility. See How to control DO & DO ECO for information on how to diagnose the outputs with DOS status.

Startup test execution is required before output group can be controlled. The code template's S_SafeOperationEnable status is not TRUE before output group diagnostic is enabled in library.

The output group diagnostic's enable status can also be read from following variable:

The following is an example of output group control


EPEC_HWDIAG.S_SM8X1_Diagnostic.i_OutputGroup1Control := G_StatusFlags_Safe.S_SafeOperationEnable;

The current state of control can be read by the application from the following variable:

Reference output control(s)

HW diagnostic library supports up to two REF outputs (REF A and REF B). Both REF outputs support 5V or 10V REF mode.

The MultiTool Creator's code template initializes automatically the REF output in use and mode parameters based on functional version's HW assembly.

Product REF A REF B


In use: FALSE
Type: N/A

In use: FALSE
Type: N/A

The default state of the REF output control is TRUE. Control conditions are application specific.

When REF output's in use is FALSE, the corresponding REF output is not available in product.

Product has REFOUT switch which is secondary shutdown path if hardware fault prevents REF output control request to disable REF voltage.

The HW diagnostic library automatically controls REFOUT switch off if persistent overvoltage error is detected from either of the REF outputs.

Following is example of REFOUT switch control.


EPEC_HWDIAG.S_SM8X1_Diagnostic.i_RefoutSwitchControl := TRUE;

Following is example of REF A and REF B control.


EPEC_HWDIAG.S_SM8X1_Diagnostic.i_RefAVoltageControl := TRUE;
EPEC_HWDIAG.S_SM8X1_Diagnostic.i_RefBVoltageControl := TRUE;

The HW diagnostic library has automatic enable logic for REF output's diagnostic and control based on control unit's supply voltage.

This is done to protect the hardware and to prevent unnecessary errors.

See S_SM8X1_Diagnostic (PRG) for supply voltage limits for REF output diagnostic and control conditions.

If application's REF output control request is TRUE, the library automatically resumes REF control after supply voltage resumes in normal levels.

The state of REF output diagnostic enable can be read by the application from the following variables:

The state of REF output's control can be read by the application from the following variables:

The measured voltage of REF output can be read by the application from the following variables:

If REF output's REF_<X>_Diagnostic_Enable is FALSE (e.g. due to the supply voltage limits), the REF outputs OutputValid flag is FALSE and this is not considered error. The REF output has error only in situation where OutputValid is FALSE AND diagnostic has been enabled.  

The validity of REF output's measurement can be checked by the application from the following variables:

Application output control conditions

The HW diagnostic library has status flags for application to indicate when supply voltage is in range where output controls can be used/activated.

The supply voltage enable flags are found from library output EPEC_HWDIAG.S_SM8X1_Diagnostic.o_SupplyVoltageEnableStates.

These statuses are not affected by the supply voltage's error diagnostics limits.


See S_SL8X1_Diagnostic (PRG) for output control's supply voltage limits. 

For in depth guides on output control and diagnostics see Safety project How to guides.

For example:

Following is an example of how to use HW diagnostic states with output control and diagnostics.



See also







Source file topic100548.htm

Last updated 21-Feb-2025