Supported platforms: CODESYS 3.5, CODESYS 3.5 SAFETY
This section describes how to read and validate a joystick signal with direction switches.
This example uses the following libraries: SafeConversion library
SafeDataValidation library SafeJoystickCalibrationAndDiagnostic library
, or alternatively non-safe library SensorsAndActuators library
S_ADCToVoltageOrCurrent, S_VoltageToDI and S_DebounceDI POUs are included in the code template generated by MultiTool Creator. |
The following image is an architecture example for joystick validation using direction switches.
SafeConversion library version or newer.SafeConversion library version or newer.
SafeConversion library version library version
When the following example is used with non-safety I/O, the I/O variables are generated in Inputs program instead of S_Inputs. |
The following example demonstrates the validation of a joystick signal (AI pin Joystick in MultiTool Creator) and direction switches (DI pins JoyPosDirSwitch and JoyNegDirSwitch in MultiTool Creator).
Safe PRG:
Init method:
IF NOT initDone THEN S_BoomJoystick.Init( S_i_Deadband:=5 , S_i_ProgressionPosDir:=0 , S_i_ProgressionNegDir:=0 , S_i_SignalErrorTolerance:=5 , S_i_pCalibratedMinPosition:=ADR(S_JoystickMinPosition) , S_i_pCalibratedMidPosition:= ADR(S_JoystickMidPosition), S_i_pCalibratedMaxPosition:= ADR(S_JoystickMaxPosition), i_pEventCode:=ADR(S_Inputs.o_EventCode_Joystick) );
S_ValidateBoomJoystick.Init( S_i_DirSwitchesInUse:=TRUE , S_i_MidPosSwitchInUse:=FALSE , S_i_DiagnosticDelay:= 100, i_pEventCode:=ADR(S_Inputs.o_EventCode_Joystick) , i_pEventCodePDS:=ADR(S_Inputs.o_EventCode_JoyPosDirSwitch) , i_pEventCodeMPS:= ADR(S_Inputs.o_EventCode_Joystick), i_pEventCodeNDS:=ADR(S_Inputs.o_EventCode_JoyNegDirSwitch) );
initDone:=TRUE; END_IF
When the following example is used with non-safety I/O, the I/O variables are generated in Inputs program instead of S_Inputs. |
The following example code reads direction switch joystick with alternative non-safe wrapper POU.
Code at non-safe PRG: |
S_Joystick (FB)
S_VoltageToDI (FB)
SensorsAndActuators library
JoystickDirSwitch (FB)
Source file topic100383.htm
Last updated 21-Feb-2025