Supported platforms: CODESYS 3.5, CODESYS 3.5 SAFETY


SafeDataValidation library description

The library contains POUs for plenty of different validation operations. Also corresponding calculation functionality is included.

Current library version

List of library releases

Library version

Manual version in release

MTC 7.9

SDK 2.9


For more details, see Epec extranet for product specific changelog(s).


Public functions



CalculateAccessCode (FUN)

Calculates response code from given challenge code.

S_ValidateAccessCode (FUN)

Checks if given response code match with challenge code.

BigEndian<type> (FUN)

Return given value in big-endian (Motorola) byte order.

SystemIsBigEndian (FUN)

Determines endianness of used environment.

CalculateParameterIndexCRC (FUN)

Calculates checksum of a CANopen parameter index.

S_ValidateSafetyParameterIndex (FUN)

Validates checksum of a CANopen parameter index.

CalculateSRDOSignature (FUN)

Calculates safety configuration signature of one SRDO from given input parameters. The SRDO signature is specified in CANopen safety standard EN50325-5

S_ValidateSRDOSignature (FUN)

Validates safety configuration signature of one SRDO. The function shall be used to validate safety configuration signatures of all SRDOs at unit start-up

S_ValidateAI (FB)

Validates an analog value. The signals must be of same type and scaling. Values can be of any analog value. The value is validated by comparing two input channel values.  The second channel value can be inverted.

S_ValidateDI (FB)

Validates a digital state. The state is validated by comparing two input channel states.  The second channel state can be inverted.

S_ValidateJoystickWithDirSwitches (FB)

Validates calibrated joystick control signal by direction switch statuses (negative direction, positive direction and middle position).

Calculate16bitCRC (FUN)

Calculates a 16-bit CCITT CRC of given data.

S_ValueDiagnostic (FB)

Monitors that the input signal value is between given error limits.




To see library dependencies with MultiTool Creator, see section Using Libraries with MultiTool Creator.


See also




Source file topic100353.htm

Last updated 13-Jun-2024