Supported platforms: CODESYS 3.5, CODESYS 3.5 SAFETY, CODESYS 3.5 SP19 SAFETY
This function calculates a 16-bit CRC according to given seed and polynomial.
The non-endianness-aware calculation algorithm is following:
Set seed value to register (16-bit)
XOR BYTE data with register’s MSB
While (bits left in BYTE) do
Shift register towards MSB by 1
If register MSb was 1 before shifting, XOR register with polynomial
If BYTEs left, get next and go to line 2
The register now contains the remainder.
This function is not typically needed by programmer, but is used by higher level checksum functions. |
Reverse bit order, so called "reflect" bit order, operation not supported. |
The function does not include any input or output XOR operation. They need to be done outside the function when specified in CRC calculation. |
This function is NOT endianness-aware. Input data that consists of variables longer than a BYTE has to be converted to specified byte order format before usage.
This also means that ARRAY and STRUCT members have to be converted, and then calculated one by one. |
Input variable name |
Data type |
Default value |
Range |
Description |
i_pData |
0 |
≠ 0 |
Pointer to data of which checksum is to be calculated. |
i_Length |
0 |
> 0 |
Length of the data. |
i_Seed |
0000h |
- |
Checksum seed value (i.e. the CRC of previous data if several data has common CRC). |
i_Polynomial |
1021h |
- |
Polynomial value for calculation. |
Output variable name |
Data type |
Range |
Description |
o_OutputValid |
Calculated value is valid. |
o_ParameterError |
Error in input parameters. |
Data type |
Description |
Calculated checksum. |
Conditions |
Return value |
o_ValueValid |
o_ParameterError |
i_pData = 0 OR i_Length = 0 |
0000h |
i_pData ok AND i_Length > 0 |
Calculated checksum |
Definitions: |
table: ARRAY [0..10] OF DWORD; crc: WORD; i: INT;
Code: |
crc := WORD#0;
FOR i := 0 TO 10 DO (* Stop if error *) IF NOT parametererror THEN
(* Convert pointed data to big-endian *) tempDWORD := BigEndianDWORD(i_Data := table[i]);
crc := Calculate16bitCRC( i_pData := ADR(tempDWORD), i_Length := LibConstants.G_SIZE_OF_U32, i_Seed := crc, i_Polynomial := 16#1021, o_ParameterError => parametererror, o_OutputValid => outputvalid ); END_IF END_FOR |
CalculateAccessCode (FUN)
CalculateSRDOSignature (FUN)
SafetyParCrcHandler (FB)