Supported platforms: CODESYS 2.3, CODESYS 3.5


CANopenODSave library description

CANopenODSave library provides services to store CANopen Object Dictionary. The  data is stored as file(s) using services of FileSys library.


For CODESYS 3.5 library this topic applies only for 3.X.X.X versions.

For CANopenODSave V4 see new topics.





SaveOdCheckFile (FUN)

Checks index save for given file.

SaveODDeleteAll (PRG)

Deletes all parameters in system.

SaveODDeleteLinesByDesc (FUN)

Deletes given parameter from file.

SaveODAll (PRG) (CODESYS 2.3)

SaveODSaveAll (FB) (CODESYS 3.5)

Saves all parameters in system.

SaveODhndl1010 (PRG)

Callback handler for 1010h index.

SaveODhndl1011 (PRG)

Callback handler for 1011h index.

SaveODLinesByDesc (FUN) (CODESYS 2.3)

SaveODSaveLinesByDesc (FUN) (CODESYS 3.5)

Saves given parameter to file.

SaveODLoad (FUN)

Loads parameters from file to given OD.

SaveODLoadODLinesByDesc (FUN)

Loads given parameter from file to OD.

SaveODSave (FUN)

Saves parameters from given OD to file.


CANopen library

FileSys library


Source file Topic000410.htm

Last updated 13-Jun-2024