Supported platforms: CODESYS 3.5, CODESYS 3.5 SAFETY
Purpose of the function block is to read initial values for a single safety parameter OD index (all sub-indexes) from control unit.
Initial values are needed for safety parameter adjustment (see SafetyParCrcHandler (FB) & How to adjust safety parameters).
Parameter values are read with following sequence when i_Enable is set TRUE:
Read given OD index csv configurations
o_State is set to Processing if csv configuration and inputs are valid
Parameter sub-index values are read from safety control unit using CANopen CSDO according to csv configuration
If CSDO was successful, then sub-index values are updated to array given by application (i_pIndexData pointer)
If all values were read successfully, then o_State returns to Idle. Otherwise error code is returned.
o_AbortCode contains CANopen abort if any was encountered in SDO protocol.
Sequence and outputs can be reset by setting i_Enable to FALSE.
Function block should be executed before adjusting safety parameter sub-index. |
Note that parameter values are read as non-typed raw data (DWORD) and is intended for CRC handler purposes. |
Input variable name |
Data type |
Range |
Description |
i_Enable |
Read sequence is started when TRUE |
i_pDevice |
≠ 0 |
Used CANopen device (e.g. ADR(G_CANopen_CAN1.Device)) |
i_pCSVData |
≠ 0 |
Pointer to struct array |
i_CSVParCount |
> 0 |
Amount of parameters in csv data array |
i_NodeID |
1..127 |
Node ID of the control unit |
i_Index |
Csv specific |
OD index which is read |
i_Timeout |
SDO protocol transfer timeout |
i_pIndexData |
≠ 0 |
Pointer to array where sub-index values are read |
Output variable name |
Data type |
Range |
Description |
o_State |
SafetyParametersState |
see enumeration |
“Processing” while in progress, returns to “Idle” if successful, see enumeration for error codes |
o_AbortCode |
CANopen SDO abort code |
Following example reads safety parameter index values for selected parameter index.
Selected parameter is determined in application / GUI.
Code template definitions: |
/// CAN device Device: EPEC_CANopen.Device; |
Code template definitions: |
///Number of parameters in network G_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS_NETWORK1: INT := 91;
Code template definitions: |
///Parameter CSV configuration parameters G_NETWORK1_Parameters_CSVData: ARRAY[1..G_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS_NETWORK1] OF EPEC_PAR.CSVData;
Definitions: |
parameterCsvData: EPEC_PAR.CSVData; // selected parameter config indexData: ARRAY[0..255] OF DWORD; (*Values for whole safety parameter index*) readIndexData: EPEC_PAR.SafetyParReadIndexData; state: EPEC_PAR.SafetyParametersState;
Init: |
parameterCsvData := G_NETWORK1_Parameters_CSVData[10]; // Selected parameter csv row readIndexData(i_Enable := FALSE);
Code: |
readIndexData( i_Enable := TRUE, i_pDevice := ADR(G_CANopen_CAN1.Device), // From code template i_pCSVData := ADR(G_NETWORK1_Parameters_CSVData), // From code template i_CSVParCount := G_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS_NETWORK1, // From code template i_NodeID := parameterCsvData.Node, i_Index := parameterCsvData.Index, i_Timeout := T#1S, i_pIndexData := ADR(indexData), o_State => state, );
IF state < EPEC_PAR.SafetyParametersState.Idle THEN ; // Application error handling ELSIF state = EPEC_PAR.SafetyParametersState.Idle THEN ; // Values successfully read to indexData array END_IF |
Source file topic100515.htm
Last updated 21-Feb-2025