Supported platforms: CODESYS 3.5, CODESYS 3.5 SAFETY


SafeSensorCalibration library description

This library includes POUs to convert sensor voltage or current to measured units.

Current library version

List of library releases

Library version

Manual version in release

SDK 2.9


For more details, see Epec extranet for product specific changelog(s).


Public functions



S_LinearSensor (FUN)

Calibrates linear sensor value (mV, µA, mΩ) to other physical unit (℃, bar, km/h, kg,…).

S_KTYSensor (FUN)

Converts KTY type temperature sensor resistance value to temperature (°C).




To see library dependencies with MultiTool Creator, see section Using Libraries with MultiTool Creator.


See also




Source file topic100350.htm

Last updated 13-Jun-2024