Supported platforms: CODESYS 3.5, CODESYS 3.5 SAFETY
SDO manager program is used to reserve and release CSDO channels.
The application needs to define an array of CANopenCSDO instances; one instance for every node-ID (i.e. SDO server).
SDO manager needs to be initialized with its Init action. Init action has to be done for each used CAN bus.
To make a SDO client request in CAN bus, it is mandatory to reserve a CSDO instance with action Reserve. |
Input variable name |
Data type |
Range |
Description |
i_pDevice |
> 0 |
Pointer to device. |
i_NodeId |
1..127 |
Node Id for which CSDO is wanted to reserve. |
i_pCsdoArrayStart |
> 0 |
Pointer to the start of the CSDO instance array which is defined in the PLCopen application. |
i_CsdoArraySize |
- |
Size of the array pointer to which was given above with input variable i_pCsdoArrayStart. |
Output variable name |
Data type |
Description |
o_Error |
Erros |
Error code. |
o_pCSDOHandle |
Handle to CSDO instance that is reserved for use. The pointer is set to NULL, if there is not free CSDO instance. |
Action name |
Used inputs/outputs |
Description |
Init |
i_itfChannel i_pCsdoArrayStart i_CsdoArraySize o_Error |
Action initializes CANopenCSDO instance array that is defined in the application. Init action is required for all used CAN buses. |
Reserve |
i_itfChannel i_NodeId o_Error o_pCSDOHandle |
Action reserves CSDO instance for defined node-ID. When CSDO instance is reserved successfully, a pointer of the instance is returned to o_pCSDOHandle and o_Error is set to NoError. Otherwise o_pCSDOHandle is set to NULL and o_Error is set to NoFreeCsdoInstance.
NOTE! Action Release is required if this action is used. |
Release |
i_itfChannel i_NodeId o_Error |
Releases the defined CSDO instance. |
Error code |
Description |
NotInitialized |
CSDO not initialized for given CAN channel. |
NoFreeCsdoInstance |
Node-ID not found from reserved CSDO instance list, or CSDO instance has communication ongoing. |
InputError |
No CSDO array or device pointer given. |
InvalidChannel |
Device interface returned invalid CAN channel number. |
NoError |
No errors. |
This program is included in MultiTool Creator code template. |
Definitions: |
Device: EPEC_CANopen.Device; CSDOS: ARRAY[1..127] OF EPEC_CANopen.CANopenCSDO := [ (* CSDO instances *) (i_NodeID := 2, i_Enable := FALSE, i_pDevice := ADR(Device)), (i_NodeID := 3, i_Enable := FALSE, i_pDevice := ADR(Device)), (i_NodeID := 4, i_Enable := FALSE, i_pDevice := ADR(Device)), (i_NodeID := 5, i_Enable := FALSE, i_pDevice := ADR(Device))];
CSDOHandle: POINTER TO CANopenCSDO := 0; CSDO_Error: EPEC_CANopen.Errors := EPEC_CANopen.Errors.NotInitialized;
Init: |
EPEC_CANopen.CANopenSDOManager.Init( i_pDevice:=ADR(Device), i_NodeId:=Device.NodeID, i_pCsdoArrayStart:=ADR(CSDOS), i_CsdoArraySize:=127, o_Error=>CSDO_Error );
CANopenSDOClient uses CANopenSDOManager internally for CSDO channel reservation. Code below is needed only if user uses CANopenCSDO directly and handles CSDO channels manually. |
Definitions: |
csdoHandle:POINTER TO CANopenCSDO := 0;
Code: |
(* Get handle by defining bus and node id *) CANopenSDOManager.Reserve( i_pDevice:= CSDOS[i].i_pDevice, i_NodeID:= CSDOS[i].i_NodeID, o_pCSDOHandle=> CSDOHandle );
(* Make needed action by using CSDO instance. *) ... CSDOHandle^.i_pDevice := CSDOS[i].i_pDevice; CSDOHandle^.i_NodeID := CSDOS[i].i_NodeID; CSDOHandle^.i_SDOMux := UINT_TO_DWORD(i_Index) * DWORD#256 + USINT_TO_DWORD(i_SubIndex); CSDOHandle^.i_pData := i_pData; CSDOHandle^.i_Size := i_Size; CSDOHandle^.i_Write := i_Write; CSDOHandle^.i_Enable := TRUE; CSDOHandle^.i_Stop := FALSE; CSDOHandle^.i_TransferTimeoutStatus := FALSE; CSDOHandle^.i_Timeout := i_MessageTimeOut; CSDOHandle^.i_DontChgByteOrd := i_DontChgByteOrd; CSDOHandle^(); CSDOHandle^.i_Enable:=FALSE;
(* Release handle *) CANopenSDOManager.Release( i_pDevice:= CSDOS[i].i_pDevice, i_NodeID:= CSDOS[i].i_NodeID, );
CANopenSDOClient (FB)
Source file topic001029.htm
Last updated 21-Feb-2025