Supported platforms: CODESYS 2.3, CODESYS 3.5
Name of the Member |
Value |
Description |
CANopen302ErrorBusNbrOutOfLimits |
-1100 |
Null address given for function block. |
CANopen302ErrorNodeIdOutOfLimits |
-1099 |
Given node id was out of limits 1..127. |
CanOpen302ErrorAddressFault |
-1098 |
Given address was NULL. |
CanOpen302ErrorNoFreeCsdoInstance |
-1097 |
CSDO instance which was tried to reserve was already in use. |
CanOpen302ErrorNoInitForBus |
-1096 |
There is no init action made for requested CAN bus. |
CANopen302ErrorSuccess |
0 |
POU executed successfully. |
CANopen302ErrorFailure |
1 |
General failure. |
Name of the Member |
Value |
Description |
CANopen302ErrorBusNbrOutOfLimits |
-1100 |
Null address given for function block. |
CANopen302ErrorNodeIdOutOfLimits |
-1099 |
Given node id was out of limits 1..127. |
CanOpen302ErrorAddressFault |
-1098 |
Given address was NULL. |
CanOpen302ErrorNoFreeCsdoInstance |
-1097 |
CSDO instance which was tried to reserve was already in use. |
CanOpen302ErrorNoInitForBus |
-1096 |
There is no init action made for requested CAN bus. |
CANopen302ErrorNoCanChannel |
-1095 |
CAN interface is 0. |
CANopen302ErrorSuccess |
0 |
POU executed successfully. |
CANopen302ErrorFailure |
1 |
General failure. |
Source file Topic000407.htm
Last updated 21-Feb-2025