Supported platforms: CODESYS 2.3, CODESYS 3.5
This internal library contains J1939 protocol related functions.
Description |
J1939 (FB) |
J1939 Main function block, which runs J1939 protocol. |
J1939_SPNFMI_Convert (FUN) |
Function to convert SPNFMI alarms. |
J1939_AddPgn (FUN) |
Adds PGN to J1939 on runtime. |
J1939_AddRequestPGNCallback (FUN) |
Adds a user callback for received request. |
J1939_ChangePGNConfiguration (FUN) |
Changes PGN source/destination address on runtime. |
Optional Functionality
Description |
J1939_BuildPGN (FUN) |
Copies data from PGN structure to tx buffer. |
J1939_MessageCheckSum (FUN) |
Calculates checksum from message data and COB-ID. |
J1939_ConstructCobID (FUN) |
Constructs COB-ID for given PGN. |
J1939_SPNFMI_Convert (FUN) |
Function to convert SPN/FMI alarms. |
Description |
J1939 (FB) |
J1939 Main function block, which runs J1939 protocol. |
J1939 FB public methods
Description |
AddPGN |
Add PGNs on runtime. Rx PGNs get also a CANVXD callback for their COB-IDs. |
AddRequestPGNCallback |
Add callback for received EA00 request. |
ChangePGNConfiguration |
Change PGN source or destination address (or both) on runtime. |
EnableRequestPGNs |
This method enables use of RQST PGNs. |
Optional Functionality
Description |
J1939_BuildPGN (FUN) |
Copies data from PGN structure to tx buffer. |
J1939_MessageCheckSum (FUN) |
Calculates checksum from message data and COB-ID. |
J1939_ConstructCobID (FUN) |
Constructs COB-ID for given PGN. |
J1939_SPNFMI_Convert (FUN) |
Function to convert SPN/FMI alarms. |
Description |
J1939_MessageChecksum (FUN) |
Calculates a J1939 PGN message checksum according to the J1939 standard |
J1939_ConstructCobID (FUN) |
Calculates Cob-ID for PGN |
J1939_InitVXD (FUN) |
Initializes J1939 to selected CANbus. |
J1939_DataTransferHandler (PRG) |
Handler for received TP and ETP protocol messages (internal callback) |
J1939_ExtractPGN (FUN) |
Extract PGN data, which is received from CANbus, to SPN data buffers |
J1939_MonitorMessages (FUN) |
Monitors all Rx PGN's data timeouts, handles validity flag (reset) |
J1939_RequestPGNHandler (PRG) |
Handles received request PGN messages (internal callback) |
J1939_ShortMessageHandler (PRG) |
Receives short messages from CANbus. (internal callback) |
J1939_BuildPGN (FUN) |
Build's PGN data to CANbus from the SPN's data of the PGN. |
J1939_SendHandler (PRG) |
Send handler for J1939 Tx messages. |
J1939_SendMultiPacketHandler (PRG) |
Send handler for J1939 Tx long(>8 bytes) messages. |
J1939_Send_TP_Messages (FUN) |
Function sends transport protocol connection management messages and data transfer messages |
Protocol |
Short PGN send |
x |
x |
Short PGN receive |
x |
x |
TP Broadcast send |
x |
x |
TP Broadcast receive |
x |
x |
TP Destination specific send |
x |
x |
TP Destination specific receive |
x |
x |
ETP Destination specific send |
x |
x |
ETP Destination specific receive |
NMEA 2000 Fast-packet send |
x |
x |
NMEA 2000 Fast-packet receive |
x |
x |
CANVXD library
Source file Topic000379.htm
Last updated 21-Feb-2025