Supported platforms: CODESYS 2.3, CODESYS 3.5


EventLog library description

This library contains event logging functions.

Public functions



EL_Init (FUN)

Initializes the event log.

EL_Clear (FUN)

Clears the event log and adds "log cleared" 16#FFFF event to log.

EL_AddEventData (FUN)

Adds (connects) one source event configuration to event log

EL_AddEventTranslator (FUN)

Adds an event translator to source and event pair

EL_Add (FUN)

Adds an event to log

EL_AddExt (FUN)

Adds an event to log, with extended information of 8 bytes

EL_GetEventData (FUN)

Returns the given event configuration structure

EL_Popup (PRG)

Polls for pop-ups through all events' statuses from event log

EL_ReadEvent (FB)

Reads one event from absolute position of the event ring buffer

EL_ReadLog (FB)

Reads G_EL_MAXVISIBLELOGLINES number of events log lines from log

EL_Update (FUN)

Filters the status of an event and adds it to the event log.

EL_CheckActiveEvents (FUN)

Checks if there is active event.

EL_SetEventCount (FUN)

Set/reset one event counter value.

EL_ResetAllEventCounters (FUN)

Reset all event counter values.


Internal functions




EL_EventHashCode (FUN)

Hash code is used for fast comparison of events' type and status

EL_SortedList (FB)

Sorted list for G_EL_SortedEventItemCount amount of events

EL_ByteToBit (FUN)

Returns the boolean value of the given bit on the given byte

EL_CheckLogIndex (FUN)

Check validity of a ring buffer position

EL_EventFilter (FUN)

Filter function returns TRUE when event is to be displayed, and FALSE when NOT

EL_SetBitOnByte (FUN)

Sets/resets given bit on given byte

EL_AddLine (FUN)

Adds an event or an extended event to log

EL_AddToLog (FUN)

Adds timestamp, sets status and ID to event, and then adds it to log

EL_GetEventTranslator (FUN)

Returns pointer to translator structure for e.g. extended (J1939 SPN/FMI) events

EL_NextPopupStatus (FB)

Polls when the next popup is ready in the background

EL_ReadLine (FUN)

Reads one raw log line from event log

EL_SetEventStatus (FUN)

Changes event status in event data structure

EL_TranslateExtEventToEvent (FUN)

Translates extended event to "normal" event

EL_UpdateStatus (FUN)

Updates event status to event log and to event data structure






EL_EventHashCode (FUN)

Hash code is used for fast comparison of events' type and status

EL_ByteToBit (FUN)

Returns the boolean value of the given bit on the given byte

EL_AddLine (FUN)

Adds an event or an extended event to log

EL_ReadLine (FUN)

Reads one raw log line from event log

EL_SetEventStatus (FUN)

Changes event status in event data structure

EL_TranslateExtEventToEvent (FUN)

Translates extended event to "normal" event

EL_UpdateEventActiveStatus (PRG)

Handles internally active event list




Event index enumeration is included in the application. At least EL_END_OF_EVENTS must be defined.



Source file Topic000338.htm

Last updated 13-Jun-2024