Configuring Display Touch (6807)

Touch configuration can be updated to the touch system by the Application Loader. 




To configure display touch:

1. Boot-up the display unit and rub the lower right corner of the display during boot-up until the embedded ApplicationLoader software starts.

2. Navigate to Display Settings view:




3. Select the Touch configuration tab:



4. Select Touch configuration 1 or Touch configuration 2

● Touch configuration 1 (default*) is sensitive for normal and glove operation

● Touch configuration 2 is optimized for outdoor use, moisture, drops and water



*Touch configuration 1 is default on all Epec E30x6807 product codes. However, upon request, the customer specific product code may also have Touch configuration 2 as default.

5. Tap update



When the update is complete, a message appears: Update complete



Return to main view by tapping in the lower left corner.