Highlights in SDK 4.6, MultiTool version 7.4


The worlds easiest way of configuring ISOBUS projects has now been extended to include Epec's CODESYS 3.5 units. The first unit to receive this support is EC44-020. ISOBUS C3.5 SW supports:

  • VT client (UT2.0)
  • AUX-N Functions
  • TC client (TC1.0)
  • TECU class 2 PGN interface
  • Diagnostics PGN interface (Min CF 1.0)



    Archive file format

    MultiTool can export the project in .mtarchive format in addition to saving it in the .mtproject format. The archive file format .mtarchive includes for example the device descriptions and libraries of all the programmable units in the project. For slave units, the eds files are also included in the archive. When opening an .mtarchive file, MultiTool can install the devices and libraries to CODESYS and the eds files to MultiTools device repository.

    Various smaller changes

  • New feature: Changed library namespace and title to MultiTool library manager instead of library file name
  • New feature: When starting up, MultiTool only installs the libraries that were missing, instead of all libraries
  • New feature: Added library parameter name in addition to description text to MultiTool library manager
  • New feature: Added indication if autosaving a project failed
  • New feature: Cloning slave units
  • Improved error messages when CODESYS profile is missing
  • Bugfix: Slave was not started if writing the last OD index failed
  • Bugfix: Changing unit type ended up in an error in some cases
  • Bugfix: Slave configuration skipped an index if there was no free CSDO channel
  • Bugfix: Slave configuration didn't end up in error, if saving slave configuration was in use and the unit did not reply to CRC query
  • Bugfix: CSDO did not start a new transfer if there had been an error in the bus
  • Bugfix: Changing unit type crashed in some cases
  • Bugfix: Manually adding an image path to a slave in the MultiTool device repository crashed MultiTool
  • Bugfix: Pulse input edge selection was reset if opening a MultiTool 6.5 project in a newer MultiTool version

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